Since 1993, Daniel Zielske has worked with his father as a photographer duo in the field of applied photography for 25 years. During this time, they have created more than 30 book projects on topics such as New York, London, Shanghai or Berlin. Their photo essays have been published in national and international magazines. In 1999, they added Fine Art Photography as a topic to their portfolio.
“Just wandering around in a new city and experiencing the lights of the metropolis or also the special ambience on the streets has always fascinated me. But also the total silence as it can be found in nature or in a library is always a very special source of inspiration for me. Perceiving transient beauty and enjoying those special moments in time, and subsequently turning what I see and experience into photography is an incredible privilege for me.”
Bibliotheken in Deutschland, WhiteWall, 2022
Berlin - Licht und Schatten, Kunth Verlag, 2019
Tempel der Kunst - Kathedralen des Wissens, Süddeutsche Zeitung Edition, 2019
Tempel der Kunst - Kathedralen des Wissens, Kunth Verlag, 2018
Deutschland Sinfonie, Kunth Verlag, 2015
New York City, Kunth Verlag, 2012
Lies und Höre - Orte der Dichtung und Musik, Deutschland Bibliothek, Knesebeck Verlag, 2010
Staune und Erkenne - Kirchen Stätten der Kunst, Deutschland Bibliothek, Knesebeck Verlag, 2010
Shanghai 2, Kunth Verlag, 2009
Megalopolis Shanghai, Edition Braus, 2006
Frankfurts Hohe Häuser, insel taschenbuch, Insel Verlag, 2001
Deutschland - Ein Land auf dem Weg in das 21. Jahrhundert, Ausgabe Bertelsmann Club, Harenberg Edition, 1998
London, Harenberg Edition, 1996
Länder der Welt - Britische Inseln, Harenberg Edition, 1995
Zukunft im Ruhrgebiet - Das Harenberg City-Center in Dortmund, Harenberg Edition, 1994
George Rickey - Sieben kinetische Skulpturen, Harenberg Edition, 1994
Irland, Die bibliophilen Taschenbücher, Harenberg Edition, 1994
Schottland, Die bibliophilen Taschenbücher, Harenberg Edition, 1993
The Spirit of England, Die bibliophilen Taschenbücher, Harenberg Edition, 1992